Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Motherhood and overcoming trials

I found this video the other day and have watched it a few times since then. I feel it's a great depiction of motherhood, and it shows the hard part: the sleepless nights, the exhaustion that comes from parenting. It also shows the joy that cannot be found any other way.

This gem was given to me by a teacher when I went to his office in an attempt to find peace with my current situations. At the point when he is talking to his younger self and he looks right at the camera with tears in his eyes, I just bawled. He was talking directly to me. I hope this provides the same feeling of comfort and the same drive to keep going that it did for me.


  1. I really enjoyed both of those videos, I particularly like in the Motherhood talk where Elder Holland stated "eternal partnership with God". I found that especially important because it noted and exhibited just how special motherhood is! What really stuck out to you?

    Thanks for these uplifting videos!
    Maddison Dillon

    1. Really the reason this was shared with me at all is because I was having a hard time and feeling stuck. My younger siste ris serving an LDS mission (an opportunity I sought, but wasn't right)and my younger brother is getting married really soon (an opportunity I would almost die for), so it feels wrong for me to be still in college and "not accomplishing anything." That's obviously not the case, but sometimes it really feels that way. A good friend showed me the Good Things to Come video and its climax was my favorite. When Elder Holland said "Don't you quit" I knew it was for me and I knew I needed to cheerfully keep doing what I am doing.
